Invest in Scotland’s Future

Monday 8th February 2016


Last week was a very important week for Scottish Politics. We witnessed a significant shift in the political discourse.

The focus changed from the usual debate about what powers the Scottish Parliament should have, to how it can use these powers. It has taken us some time to get there, but I’m glad we’ve arrived at this point nonetheless.

As ever in politics context is everything. The shift could be seen in the backdrop of the huge cuts the Scottish Government is making across the country as well as the £130m cut to the Education and Lifelong Learning budget.

These cuts are being protested across Scotland in recognition that they would translate into fewer teachers, bigger class sizes and fewer opportunities for our young people.

The Scottish Government used its usual line this week during the budget debate that it has no choice in the matter but the reality of the situation is somewhat different.

The Scottish Government can and should make other choices. It could use the tax powers of the Scottish Parliament as Labour is proposing which the think tank Resolution Foundation say could reduce the cuts by a third.

This would allow us to reinstate the education budget and invest inour children’s future.  If education is a top priority for the Scottish Government they now have a chance to translate those warms words into action.

It’s time to invest in our young people so we can grow a better, stronger Scotland.