Scottish Parliament e-Brief

Issue 57, 12th March 2001




Wednesday 14th March

14:34 Stage 1 Debate: the Housing (Scotland) Bill

17:30 Members Business: Clydebank and the Blitz (Des McNulty (LAB))

Thursday 15th March

09:30 Executive Debate: Freedom of Information

14:30 Question Time

15:10 First Minister's Question Time

15:30 Executive Debate on Credit Unions

17:00 Member's Business: National Tartan Day (Mr George Reid (SNP))


Please see the attached Committee News.




A group made up of MSPs from each of Scotland's main political parties has been set up to help adults traumatised by childhood sexual abuse.

The cross-party group will aim to find out more about the problems experienced by those who were abused as children and seek to find ways of helping them cope.

It will also have the responsibility of raising awareness on the matter and try to remove the stigma which surrounds the issue.

The remit and objectives of the group were outlined in a special in the Scottish Parliament brought by Marilyn Livingston, the Labour MSP for Kirkcaldy, who will be a member of the group.

She told MSPs that not enough had been done in the past to help those abused as children and said she was sure the group could make a real difference to their lives.

Ms Livingston said: "We will seek to create greater public awareness and understanding of the issue and combat the many myths that surround sexual abuse and its impact on our society as a whole.

"We must not underestimate the task we have before us and the importance of working together to create greater public awareness and understanding of the issue and combat the many myths that surround sexual abuse.

"This is our opportunity to show that we have heard the voices of the survivors of childhood sexual abuse, have listened to their concerns and are committed to help survivors rebuild their lives."

Ms Livingston said many victims of childhood sexual abuse suffered long-term effects such as mental health problems, alcohol and drug dependency, domestic violence, prostitution and homelessness.

She said it would be the role of the group to find out what help is available in these areas and where there are shortcomings, to find solutions.



Breaking-down the barriers drug users face in getting training and employment means focusing on meeting their individual needs at every stage of their rehabilitation, Deputy Justice Minister Iain Gray said today.

At a Scottish Drugs Forum seminar, he outlined how the Executive is tackling the problems recovering addicts face by providing £6.5 million to support 3000 former drug misusers prepare for the world of work. This will build on the projects already underway through the New Futures Fund.

Mr Gray also welcomed the Chancellor's Budget announcement that the New Deal will be extended to assist recovering drug addicts into the world of work. Over the next three years £40 million has been set aside so they can get the mentoring and training they need to find a steady job.

Full Story



The first item on the agenda on WEDNESDAY is Stage 1 of the Executive's flagship Housing (Scotland) Bill.

The main aims of the Bill are:

It is accepted that further legislation will be required with regard to the private sector, and the Housing Improvement Task Force is being set up to advise. However, this work will take some time and it has been decided to legislate for the social sector without further delay.

For more information, see the Bill as introduced, the Explanatory Notes and the Policy Memorandum.

Given the interest this bill has generated, the debate is likely to be extended. Accordingly, members business will not begin until around 5:30pm. The subject for debate will be Des McNulty's (LAB) motion on Clydebank and the Blitz.


THURSDAY morning is taken up with an Executive Debate on Freedom of Information which comes on the back of the recent publication by Justice Minister, Jim Wallace, of the draft Freedom of Information Bill.

This will introduce the first ever legally enforceable right of access to information held by Scottish public authorities, backed up by a fully independent Commissioner, appointed by Parliament, with the legal authority to require disclosure.

See e-Brief 56 for further details.

After Question Time and First Minister's Question Time, there will be an Executive Debate on Credit Unions.

This debate will focus on the joint plans of the Westminster Government and Scottish Executive to increase the use of credit unions. Social Justice Minister, Jackie Baillie and the Secretary of State for Scotland, Helen Liddell, will publish details of the plans later this week.

The week's business in the chamber closes with a Member's Business debate from the SNP's, George Reid, on National Tartan Day.


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