Scottish Parliament e-Brief

Issue 28, 31st July 2000

Apologies for the absence of the e-Brief for the past two weeks. This was due to a combination of a problem with the e-mail system and staff holidays. Normal service has been resumed and we apologise for any inconvenience this has caused



Parliament is in recess.




Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning, Henry McLeish has welcomed the publication of figures confirming a rise in students in Higher Education. Final figures for the numbers of students in Higher Education in Scotland for 1998-99 show a 3.4% increase compared with the previous year. There were 255,963 students in higher education in Scotland in 1998-99, 36% of whom were part time. The numbers of students aged 25 and over also continues to rise, with 113,470 representing 44% of the student population.

Mr McLeish said:

"I very much welcome headline figures of over a quarter of a million students undertaking higher education in Scotland in 1998-99. It is particularly encouraging to note the marked increase in the proportion of mature students entering higher education over the years and the numbers of part time opportunities being taken up.

"The proportion of students aged 25 and over has increased from 38% to 44% over the last 10 years with an increase of nearly 6,000 in 1998-99 compared with the previous year.

"While the numbers undertaking full time higher education are broadly the same as the previous year, part-timers have increased by 9% - which is over 7,670. Much of this increase has been in higher education institutions who are responding positively to the Executive's priority of widening access.

"Alternative modes of learning are being developed and, coupled with initiatives such as waiving fees for unemployed and low income part time students, we are removing barriers for those who might not otherwise be able to take up higher education opportunities.

"Indicators show the participation of young Scots in Higher Education continues to nudge upwards with an Age Participation Index of 47.2% compared with 46.5% for the previous year, consistently above that for other parts of the UK.

"This is good news as we maintain our focus on widening access and lifelong learning as crucial steps towards creating and sustaining the knowledge based economy to meet Scotland's needs."



The Executive have brought forward proposals for new building regulations designed to introduce higher thermal insulation standards for all new buildings and higher energy efficiency for boilers, lighting and other building services. The proposals combine investment in better buildings with a responsibility to cut pollution and protect the environment.



Finance Minister Jack McConnell has approved the extension of the appointment of Professor Ian Percy CBE as Chairman of the Accounts Commission.

Professor Percy's extension is for a further year to September 2001. This appointment has been made with the full approval of, the Commissioner for Public Appointments, to ensure the Accounts Commission's smooth transition through its first full year of operation in conjunction with Audit Scotland.

The Accounts Commission for Scotland was established in September 1974, under the provision of section 97(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (as amended).

The Accounts Commission remit is to:

Professor Percy also serves as Chairman of Audit Scotland which was established in April 2000 under the provision of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000. Audit Scotland provides services to the Accounts Commission and Auditor General for Scotland.



Parliament is in recess


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