Scottish Parliament e-Brief
Issue 262, 26th September 2005




Wednesday 28th September 2005

14:35 - 16:15

Preliminary Stage Debate: Waverley Railway (Scotland) Bill

16:15 - 17:00

Executive Debate: Membership of the Committee of the Regions

17:00 - 17:30

Member’s Business: Affordable Rented Housing (John Home Robertson (LAB))



Thursday 29th September 2005

09:15 – 10:30

Justice 2 Committee Debate: 9th Report, 2005, Inquiry into Youth Justice

11:40 – 12:00

General Question Time

12:00 – 12:30

First Minister's Question Time

12:30 – 13:10

Themed Question Time:

* Justice and Law Officers;

* Enterprise , Transport and Lifelong Learning

13:10 – 13:40

Member’s Business: Role of Firefighters in Remote and Rural Areas (David Davidson (CON))


In COmmittee

Tuesday 27th September 2005


Equal Opportunities

The Committee will consider its approach to phase 2 of its disability inquiry.



Minister for Finance and Public Service Reform, Tom McCabe, gives evidence on the Executive’s Efficient Government initiative.  Permanent Secretary of Scottish Executive, John Elvidge, then gives evidence on performance monitoring.



After choosing a new Convener, the Committee will take evidence from SPCB member, Nora Radcliffe; Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Professor Alice Brown; and senior parliament officials on the procedures relating to Crown appointees.


Subordinate Legislation

The Committee takes evidence for its inquiry into the regulatory framework in Scotland , before considering a number of pieces of subordinate legislation.


Enterprise and Culture

After taking evidence on the inquiry into business growth, the Committee considers its draft Stage 1 report on the St Andrew’s Day Bank Holiday ( Scotland ) Bill.


European and External Relations

Once a new Convener has been chosen, the Committee will consider the agendas and information received from the Scottish Executive on several meetings of the Council of the EU, including the General Affairs and External Relations Council on 3rd October; the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council on 6th October; and the Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry and Research) Council on 11th October.



2 panels of witnesses give evidence on the Human Tissue ( Scotland ) Bill.  The Committee will then consider the main themes arising from the evidence session, to inform the drafting of its Stage 1 report.  Members will also consider a remit for its inquiry into the implementation of the Regulation of Care ( Scotland ) Act 2001 and the Community Care and Health ( Scotland ) Act 2002.


Justice 2

Members consider a petition on the monitoring of child sex offenders, before continuing with Stage 2 of the Management of Offenders etc. ( Scotland ) Bill.


Local Government and Transport

The Minister for Transport and Telecommunications gives evidence on the parliament’s approach to the UK Civil Aviation Bill.  The Committee then continues with Stage 2 of the Licensing ( Scotland ) Bill.

Wednesday 28th September 2005



Once a new Deputy Convener has been chosen, Stage 2 of the Housing ( Scotland ) Bill continues.



2 panels of witnesses give evidence on the early years inquiry and the Committee considers a draft report on pupil motivation.


Environment and Rural Development

Stage 1 evidence on the Environmental Levy on Plastic Bags ( Scotland ) Bill comes from a range of environmental organisations.


Justice 1

A range of witnesses from the legal community and the Executive give evidence on European Commission Green Papers.



Tougher rules for bail
New measures to strengthen the conditions attached to bail, deal robustly with breaches, and improve the consistency of bail decisions were unveiled today.

For the first time, judges considering whether to grant bail to someone accused of serious violent offences, sexual offences or drug dealing will be specifically required to take previous similar convictions into account before making their decision.

Also, the Executive will review the options for strengthening special bail conditions with the aim of improving public safety.

Other measures in the package include:

Full Story

Births, Deaths and Marriages in 2005
The number of births in Scotland has reached the highest level since 1999, the Registrar General has announced.

As he published his second Vital Events Quarterly Return for 2005, Registrar General for Scotland , Duncan Macniven, said:

“We should not make too much of quarterly figures like these. However, it is encouraging to note that in the second quarter of this year the number of births (13,544) was 1.5% higher than in the second quarter of 2004 and that taking the past six months as a whole, births have been at a higher level than we have seen for six years.

"For Scotland as a whole deaths slightly exceeded births, by 0.1%, but births outnumbered deaths in seven out of the 15 Health board areas.”

Full Story



WEDNESDAY begins with the Preliminary Stage debate of the Waverley Railway (Scotland) Bill.

This is a Private Bill which, very simply, paves the way for a railway line to be built between Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders.

The Private Bill Committee charged with examining the Bill has recommended it proceed.

This is followed by an Executive debate on Membership of the Committee of the Regions.

The Committee of the Regions was established by the Maastricht Treaty in 1994 as an advisory body of the European Union, to include local and regional authorities in European-level decision making.  The chief function of the CoR is to comment on EU policy and legislation which may impact on the work of local and regional government.

During this period, the principle of subsidiarity was established to ensure that, where possible, decisions are made at the democratic level "closest to the people". The promotion of this principle has been one of the prime ambitions of the CoR, which acts by producing Opinions on European Commission and Council proposals, communications and reports.

The Treaty specified that the CoR should comprise "representatives of local and regional bodies", but did not specify the precise form of sub-member government which should be represented. Consequently, members represent the whole sphere of sub-member state government throughout Europe , including regions, provinces, counties, municipalities and districts.

The day concludes with a Member's Business debate on Affordable Rented Housing from John Home Robertson (LAB).

As THURSDAY sees 2 by-elections taking place, Chamber business will be slightly curtailed.

The day begins with a Justice 2 Committee debate on the report of its Inquiry into Youth Justice.

Published in June, the report expressed “profound concerns” over a lack of stability in funding for support services to young offenders.  The report also highlighted gaps apparent in some crucial services – notably diversionary services, mental health services and addiction services.

While stressing that the Committee welcomes the Executive’s national strategy for youth justice, the report made the following recommendations:

On multi-agency working:

On gaps in services:

Full report

This is followed by General Question Time and First Minister’s Question Time.  Unusually, this is directly followed by Themed Question Time (for the featured departments, see Section 1 above).

The day then concludes with a Member's Business debate on the Role of Firefighters in Remote and Rural Areas from David Davidson (CON).


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