Scottish Parliament e-Brief

Issue 128, 26th August 2002



Parliament is in recess. Normal business resumes next week.



Thirty 12 and 13-year-old girls from schools in Inverclyde will take part in a special science and technology summer camp this week.

The IBM EXITE (EXploring Interests in Technology and Engineering) Camp on the company's campus in Greenock is designed to stimulate interest in maths and science among young women.

Studies show that girls often lose interest in science during their teen years and view careers in technology as primarily for boys. The ultimate goal of the IBM EXITE Camps, which are held at 25 locations worldwide, is to encourage young women to pursue maths and science careers in the future.

They learn practical skills such as how to put together a computer and take a product from concept, to development, to manufacture. Working as members of teams, participants will also work together with IBM Vancouver on various activities and will solve mutually challenging problems.

The Greenock camp will be held at the IBM Greenock Campus, from 26th to 30th August.

Enterprise Minister Iain Gray endorsed the camp, saying:

"I very much welcome this initiative. The Executive has made it clear that we want Scotland in the 21st Century to be a modern nation, with the best workforce, working with the very best technology. Encouraging many more girls to take up a career in science is very much a part of that aim.

"The EXCITE camp is a great opportunity for the pupils to meet women who are already making a major contribution to science in Scotland. Although the event will undoubtedly be great fun for those taking part, it will also be a great experience and hopefully a launchpad for many new careers in science.

"I wish everyone who takes part this week the very best of luck – not just for the duration of the camp, but also for the future."

IBM hopes to sustain participants’ interest in maths, science and technology long after the camp is over through IBM MentorPlace a global online mentoring programme that matches IBM employees with students and teachers.

Each EXITE participant will receive an IBM mentor to continue the relationships they developed at camp throughout the following school year. IBM MentorPlace will allow "campers" to keep in close contact with their IBM e-mentors and ask advice on school and career issues, or even work on maths and science projects together.

Since its inception in 1999 at IBM’s Endicott, NY site, more than 1,000 girls have attended an EXITE Camp. This year, the camps will be held at IBM facilities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Full Story


A consultation on the future of renewable energy has been launched.

The consultation paper looks at the opportunities to increase significantly Scotland's renewable energy in the period beyond 2010.

As part of the Scottish Climate Change Programme, the Executive is already committed to raising the overall proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources in Scotland to 18% by 2010 (including existing hydro-electric output). Scottish Ministers, however, have signalled their ambitions to go further.

Following last year’s publication of the Garrad Hassan Report showing Scotland’s potential for renewable energy, Ministers’ initially indicated a target of 30% from renewables by 2020. Now, having reviewed the situation in preparing its consultation paper, the Executive now seeks views on the potential to generate as much as 40% of Scotland’s electricity from renewable sources by 2020.

The consultation document is aimed primarily at energy stakeholders, including consumer organisations; environmental groups; business; local authorities; and unions, but views are sought from anyone with a particular interest in energy issues.

The consultation is taking place in parallel with a consultation on UK energy policy generally, following the UK Energy Review published in February 2002.

The deadline for responses, which can be sent by email to, is 30th November.

Full Story



Parliament is in recess. Normal business resumes next week.


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