Scottish Parliament Committee News
Issue 137, 21st September 2004


Audit Committee
The Committee heard an update from the Auditor General for Scotland, Robert Black, on his overview of the NHS and NHS performance reports.  The main issues to be raised were the lack of statistical information available to ascertain the impact of increased funding and changes to terms and conditions – consultants’ contracts in particular.  In his report on the overview of the performance of the NHS, Mr Black noted that, due to the amounts of funding involved, the consultants’ contracts would be the subject of a future AGS report.

He also noted that information systems have to be improved in order for the impact of changes on patient care to be effectively measured.  Rhona Brankin (LAB) raised the issue of how service users might feed into this process, noting that, as a frequent user of the NHS, she has never been asked about her experiences.


Communities Committee
The Committee met in private to consider pre-legislative scrutiny on the forthcoming Charities Bill. Members also discussed guidance which is to be issued on the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 and the Committee’s work programme.


Education Committee
The Committee considered the School Education (Ministerial Powers and Independent Schools) (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2


Environment and Rural Development Committee
Evidence on the Water Services etc (Scotland) Bill continued.


European and External Relations Committee
Members said their goodbyes to the outgoing Convener, Richard Lochhead (SNP) and welcomed new convener, John Swinney (SNP). Evidence was taken from Minister for Finance and Public Services, Andy Kerr, on the Scottish Executive’s current Presidency of the Regions with Legislative Power Group (or REGLEG for short) – an issue which is likely to return to the fore.


Finance Committee
Last Tuesday’s meeting took evidence from the Executive on the financial memoranda for the Fire (Scotland) Bill and the Water Services etc (Scotland) Bill. The most recent correspondence from the Presiding Officer concerning the Holyrood Project showed that there is no change to the overall cost of £430.5m and that the external landscaping is on schedule for completion prior to the official Opening on 9th October.

The Committee re-appointed Professor Arthur Midwinter, from Strathclyde University, as its budget adviser.

The following day, the Committee’s report on the Scottish Executive’s relocation policy was debated in the Parliament. Generally, the report was critical of the Executive's current approach, which is based on departments and agencies being considered for relocation when the lease on their premises comes up for renewal. The Committee recommended a more systematic approach, looking at which parts of government could usefully be moved and which areas of the country could benefit from jobs being transferred. The Executive’s written response conceded that it will publish revised guidance about the relocation process; issue a statement that highlights the main reasons for each future relocation decision; and set out clearer standards for staff consultations on relocation.


Justice 1 Committee
The Committee met in private to consider a draft stage 1 report on the Emergency Workers (Scotland) Bill and various changes were agreed.  There was also consideration of evidence taken from the Scottish Prison Service on the Inquiry into the effectiveness of rehabilitation programmes in prison. Evidence was taken from Alec Spencer, the Director of Rehabilitation Care; Janice Hewitt, Head of Inclusion; and Dr Andrew Fraser, Head of Health.


Justice 2 Committee
The Committee continued its consideration of evidence on the Fire (Scotland) Bill. Evidence was taken from Fire Masters and from the Fire Brigade Union. Unfortunately, while the FBU were giving evidence there was a fire alert and the meeting was suspended while the building was cleared.


Local Government and Transport Committee
The main issue for the Committee was the inquiry into the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001.  Members heard evidence from the Mobility and Access Committee and the Bus Users Complaint Tribunal.  Issues emerging were the accessibility of public transport and the need for fully accessible public transport for the benefit of the concessionary fares scheme to be felt.  The other major issue raised was the powers, or lack of thereof, afforded to the Bus Users Complaint Tribunal.


Public Petitions Committee
Of the new petitions being brought before the Committee, Robbie the Pict
's call for more transparency in the legal system generated most interest.  This was mainly due to his attack on both the Committee and the Parliament as he requested their assistance.  The Committee also closed Robbie the Pict’s petition on the Skye Bridge tolls, after accepting a Ministerial statement indicating that the tolls would be scrapped.

Other new petitions to note were from the Scottish Accident Council calling for local authorities to employ Home Safety Officers; and the Gypsy Traveller’s Association calling for people in mobile homes to have access to the Warm Deal and Central Heating Programmes.

With regards to current petitions, the Committee requested that it be kept updated with regards to the dispersal of money from the Scottish Transport Group Pension Funds; it closed a petition on Gulf War Syndrome following a response from the Health Minister; and also closed a petition on Houses of Multiple Occupation following satisfactory responses from both local authorities and universities.


Subordinate Legislation Committee
As usual, there was a packed agenda for the Sub-Leg Committee, with issues ranging from Environmental Protection to The Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Prescribed Police Stations) Amendment Regulations 2004.

There was also some discussion around The International Criminal Court (Enforcement of Fines, Forfeiture and Reparation) Orders. One aspect of this regulation gives Ministers the power to enforce the payment of fines and forfeiture orders made by the International Criminal Court. This regulation was put in place on the recommendation of Iain Gray when Justice Minister and confirmed by Deputy First Minister, Jim Wallace. However the Executive is now seeking to go against this recommendation. The Committee is seeking clarification from the Executive on the matter.


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